We Love Our Volunteers!

Volunteers are an essential part of nonprofit organizations. Please sign up to help us with the Pottery Sale and Tie Dye events for the 2024 Eagan Art Block!

Behind the Scenes 

Help us leading up to the festival. Stuffing envelopes, helping with grants, press releases, marketing, judging, updating signs, data base entry – there are many things that need to be done each season.

A Part of the Action

During the week of the festival, we mark the field on Wednesday and Thursday, complete on-site set up Friday and provide support to the patrons and artists all day Saturday and Sunday. We need help each of these days to ensure a smooth weekend of fun! Site setup involves putting up signs, setting up tables and chairs, checking in vendors and artists, and helping to guide them to their tent spots. On Saturday and Sunday, hand out brochures, give artists a short break, pick up coffee for the artists, distribute surveys, and help during the awards ceremony. These are just a few examples of the many tasks you can do to be of assistance.

Honors Society Students earning their volunteer points are a welcome part of this event!

Become a Board Member

Board members are the base of this volunteer organization. They work on various aspects of the festival including planning, entertainment, obtaining sponsors, and participating on-site on the days of the festival. Email christy@eaganartfestival.org.